In the first half of this year Google banked nearly $35 BILLION dollars. We all know Google rules the world, but even that number surprised me. Obviously they are making this haul from their Adwords platform which quite literally siphons money from your bank account to theirs with every click. This is especially true if you are in the legal profession. A recent and interesting report from WebPageFX found that 78% of the top 100 most expensive keywords are legal related, with 9 out of the top 10 related to law. There are other categories that eat up the top 100, but law is maxima coetus.
Lawyer Advertising on Google
This list gives us a good idea of the searches people are making and many of the keywords on this list are geographical. This highlights the need for local search optimization for lawyer advertising. This list also reinforces the importance of a great internet marketing and website development plan for attorneys and law firms, across all practice areas and regions. In many cases, it may be much more cost effective to dedicate marketing dollars to organic reach instead of pumping it all into PPCs. Professional attorney websites with information and resources available not only rank well organically, but can help lower these paid ad costs. Take a look at the list below and see if your business is on it. If so (or even if it isn’t) you need to take a long, hard look at your internet marketing campaign. Or . . . you could contact us and we can audit your internet marketing plan for FREE!
1. San Antonio car wreck attorney – $670.44
2. Accident attorney Riverside CA – $626.90
3. Personal Injury attorney Colorado – $553.08
4. Top personal injury attorneys – $551.32
5. Motorcycle accident attorney Los Angeles – $551.11
6. Structure settlements – $539.82
7. Car accident attorney Orange County – $507.54
8. Austin drug rehab – $463.05
9. Orange County accident attorney – $450.91
10. West Palm Beach criminal lawyer – $435.81
11. Sell settlement – $424.56
12. 18 wheeler accident lawyer – $419.59
13. El Paso accident lawyer – $414.18
14. Fort Myers DUI lawyer – $410.96
15. How to sell structured settlement – $407.90
16. San Bernardino car accident lawyer – $395.12
17. Lancaster personal injury lawyer – $392.66
18. Mesothelioma claim – $390.93
19. Austin TX auto insurance – $388.58
20. Accident attorney Phoenix – $384.34
21. Personal injury attorney South Florida – $374.4
22. Structured settlement buyer – $373.50
23. Oregon accident attorney- $367.34
24. Truck injury lawyer – $358.29
25. The best car accident lawyers – $356.81
26. Motorcycle lawyer Los Angeles – $354.13
27. What is structured settlement – $353.25
28. National structured settlement trade association – $349.79
29. Buy structured settlements – $346.72
30. Flood restoration Chicago – $346.59
31. Honolulu lawyer- $340.84
32. Denver water damage- $340.71
33. Car accident attorneys Houston- $338.48
34. Structured settlement cash- $336.84
35. Best business smartphones- $336.31
36. Structured settlement rates- $335.95
37. I have a structured settlement and I need cash now- $335.71
38. Dallas TX car insurance- $323.30
39. Settlement payments- $329.03
40. Accident and injury attorney- $326.76
41. Selling structured settlement- $325.04
42. San Diego motorcycle accident lawyer- $321.14
43. Structured settlement lump sum- $320.80
44. Water damage Clearwater FL- $318.24
45. CAN structured settlements- $316.54
46. Los Angeles auto accident attorney- $313.85
47. Orange County car accident lawyers- $313.49
48. DUI attorney Orlando- $313.36
49. Water damage service- $310.39
50. How to get cheaper auto insurance- $309.32
51. Auto accident lawyer Denver- $307.78
52. Selling a structured settlement- $306.08
53. Water damage restoration San Antonio- $305.84
54. Auto accident attorney Fort Lauderdale- $304.50
55. Automobile accident attorneys- $303.73
56. Car accident lawyer Fort Lauderdale- $302.20
57. Sell structured settlement annuity- $301.28
58. Water damage repair services- $299.58
59. Offshore lawyers- $295.66
60. Cash for structured settlement- $295.56
61. Water damage Tampa- $295.37
62. Auto accident attorneys in Michigan- $293.54
63. Orange County drug rehab- $293.18
64. Criminal attorney Austin Texas- $291.80
65. San Antonio auto accident lawyers- $291.8
66. Car accident attorneys in Los Angeles- $291.16
67. Tampa personal injury lawyers- $290.04
68. Water damage restoration Dallas- $289.03
69. Houston truck accident attorney- $289.18
70. Structured settlements company- $288.85
71. Tucson personal injury lawyers- $288.63
72. Auto insurance Corpus Christi TX- $286.77
73. States with most car accidents- $283.33
74. Semi truck accident lawyer- $282.54
75. Utah personal injury lawyer- $278.55
76. NJ injury lawyer- $277.83
77. How to get the best car insurance rates- $277.69
78. Car accident lawyers in Los Angeles- $277.67
79. Personal injury lawyer Mesa AZ- $275.73
80. MBA online classes- $274.47
81. Personal injury auto accident settlement- $274.05
82. Nashville auto accident lawyer- $273.72
83. Personal injury lawyer in Miami- $273.42
84. Help with alcohol- $273.33
85. Los Angeles motorcycle accident lawyer- $272.42
86. Offshore injury attorney- $271.73
87. Lump sum structured settlement- $270.61
88. Cash structured settlements- $270.50
89. Mini MBA programs online- $269.95
90. Colorado car accident attorney- $269.45
91. Sarasota personal injury attorney- $269.25
92. DUI lawyer Tempe- $269.24
93. Babson College online MBA- $269.10
94. Drug rehab NYC- $268.63
95. Personal injury lawyer Phoenix AZ- $268.47
96. South Florida personal injury attorney- $267.49
97. Personal injury lawyer Denver CO- $266.44
98. Denver car accident attorney- $266.13
99. Personal injury attorney Kansas City MO- $265.8
100. Michigan accident attorney- $265.6
WebPageFx created a great, albeit a little difficult to read, infographic.