Facebook is a powerful marketing tool that you can use to not only help promote your business but drive new traffic and leads through your front door. While many companies have a Facebook account, they often find themselves struggling to grow and maintain user engagement.
Every day, over 2 billion people worldwide log into their Facebook accounts to read the news, chat with friends, or have some downtime. If your business is having a hard time getting your Facebook account liked and noticed, we want to share with you a few tips on how you can better promote your business for the best chances of success.
Facebook for Business
Let’s start with the basics. Do you have a business Facebook page set up? If not, head on over to Facebook for Business to create a free page. While it’s possible to use a personal Facebook page to promote your business—it’s not very professional.
Your Facebook Business page looks and works very similar to a personal page. It’s just optimized for businesses and allows you to promote and engage your audience more effectively. Keep in mind that before someone can view your posts, they must “like” your page first.
Audience Engagement
This is where many businesses fall flat. They fail to engage their audience with valuable and useful content. Making a new post every few days about a sale or upcoming promotion isn’t going to keep your audience engaged. The people who have liked your page will most likely find these kinds of posts to be blatant self-promotion—at best.
We’re not saying that you shouldn’t advertise your business on your Facebook page, but rather be more strategic about it. You already have a captive audience—there’s no need for the hard sell. Try instead to create unique and exciting content that your viewers will enjoy and share.
For example, let’s say that you own a carpet cleaning business. Take your smartphone and record a 5-minute video that shows people how to effectively spot-clean some spilled wine or coffee. Give away a few helpful tips or hints. This way, when they need the services of a professional carpet cleaner, you’re the first person they’re going to call. It’s called the “law of reciprocity,” and it states that in order to receive, you must give first.
Friends of Your Friends
When a person likes your Facebook for Business page and then engages with it by adding a comment, responding to a poll, or otherwise interacts with it, their activity is shown on the newsfeed of their friends. This opens up a vast untapped network of people who will be introduced to your company from the people who have liked your page.
A great way to get your audience to interact with your page and have their activity show in the newsfeeds of their friends is to create a poll, start a discussion, or offer a free Q&A session. As people begin to interact and comment, their friends will see the activity and most likely “like” your page so that they can participate in the conversation as well.
Paid Advertising on Facebook
Unless you’re a major brand, it can take a while for your Facebook page to gain new followers. You’ll rarely gain a huge audience passively. This is where many businesses tend to get stuck. They think that once they create it, the masses will instantly come.
The best way to grow your page is by creating valuable content that your audience will enjoy over the course of many months. However, this is still too long for some businesses, and they want to see results faster. Fortunately, Facebook Ads can help them do just that.
Facebook Ads allow you to create an ad that will be shown on the newsfeed of people. It gives you powerful tools that enable you to laser-target a very specific niche—those who are most likely to purchase your products or services. When they click your ad that’s shown on their newsfeed, Facebook will charge you for each click. The average cost comes out to around .27 cents per click, give or take.
By setting up an ad campaign and paying to have it shown on the newsfeed of people who are most likely to buy your products or services, you can quickly grow your audience in a matter of a few weeks to a month or two. Best of all, you have complete and total control over your daily budget.
Social Media Help
If you’re struggling to gain any traction on your Facebook for Business account or you would like some help, give us a call at (512) 993-9993. At Adapting Online, we’ve helped local and national businesses with their Twitter, Facebook, and other social media marketing efforts. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you grow your social media accounts and drive new traffic to your business!
Monica Thomason, Web Marketing Specialist
Monica Thomason has been involved in all aspects of internet marketing for over 15 years. She loves all things internet and truly appreciates what the internet can do for businesses. Whether you need help with content and SEO, ecommerce optimization, social media or reputation management she would love to help you!
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