Office Best Practices for Marketing
With the foundation of your brand ready, it only makes sense to develop that brand throughout your office. After all you send letters, faxes and emails daily. This may seem like a common sense step, but many business owners fail to take advantage of all of the day-to-day business they do that should be used as a continuous branding campaign. The obvious places for branding are your letterhead and business cards. However you need to make sure that your envelopes, fax cover sheets, invoices, account statements, contracts and any other piece of paper or correspondence that leaves your office has your logo, colors, phone number, website and even your slogan. All of these things can be created in any word processor in your office or ordered from a print house for a minimal cost. Consider this cost a marketing expense, just as you would a flyer or newspaper ad. These things leave your office and represent you to everyone you do business with, make them count, make them remember you.
There are also digital components to your office branding. Make sure that your caller ID reflects your business name and that your answering system or service answers the phone using your full business name. Every time your business name is said or heard is another chance that someone will remember you when they need you. You also need to make sure that your credit card machine prints your information accurately. Your email signature for you and all of your employees should be just like your paper correspondence, with a logo, name, phone number and website. You have to run your business and that means correspondence and contact with many people. Every contact with those people should represent your brand in a consistent and professional manner. Think about whom you would hire if you needed the service or product you offer and what image you would expect from that person. Think of every form of contact as an opportunity to sell yourself and your business to the world. Now that you have your vision, name, logo, slogan, telephone and website let’s get online.